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Proving customs journey can be, and will be, transparent.


We will transform your perspective on customs operation, management, and services.

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We are a log tech startup focused on enhancing the efficiency and transparency between importers and exporters and their customs agents, thereby generating savings and new revenue opportunities for all parties involved.

B2B marketplace with embedded finance.

Our goal is to transform the way of operating through personalized attention.

Meet our customers!


In Mexico, customs play a pivotal role in safeguarding the economy, environment, and public health as they serve as the vains of the country's foreign trade. However, the customs ecosystem encounters various challenges, ranging from extensive bureaucratic processes to a lack of transparency and operational handbreaks.

ADUANAPP, a B2B marketplace with embedded finance, was established in 2023 to to make front to these areas of opportunity. Our goal is to streamline and enhance the transparency, and clarity in international trade. Through our initial digital platform, we aspire to extend our services and provide 24/7 commercial and operational support, without being bound by time, industry, or geographic restrictions.


Join us as an investor to redefine the future of the customs ecosystem together!

Together with our strategic partners

we transform the future and drive innovation in foregin trade


Julio Cantu

Co-Founder & CEO

Be part of the change!